Fatemeh Mohammadipanah, PhD

Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Lab
Group Leader
Dr. Fatemeh Mohammadipanah
Associate Professor of Microbial Biotechnology
Ph.D. in Microbiology

Research area of Dr. Mohammadipanah 's Lab:

The increasing prevalence of emerging or persistent disease the devastating effect of it has led to an urgent need for the development of new and more efficient drugs. The introduction of a number of drug-like candidates is needed in order to have a few molecules that could impose on the clinical trials. Thus, one of the main mission of Dr. Mohammadipanah Lab is to serve the natural drug discovery with new biomolecules from bacterial world.
With more 1000 times genomic information compared to our cells, our microbiota have adverse effects in addition to positive effects on our health and longevity. The presence (cell components) or activity (metabolites) of microbiota can trigger or worsen diseases in our body. Thus, one of the interest of Dr. Mohammadipanah Lab is to find such bacterial metabolites with positive or negative effects in initiation or promotion of human disease and aging.
The implication of
The research area of Dr. Mohammadipanah lab can be categorized as below sections:
•    The isolation of unexplored bacteria with the large genome (Myxobacteria, Actinobacteria, Cyanobacteria) from untapped ecosystems using unconventional culturing methods.

•    The application and expansion of the bioassays platforms for drug-like compound discovery from new bacterial taxa and introducing bioactive natural resources in order to be investigated as the  factory of novel pharmaceuticals with potential alleviation/prevention effect in molecular pathogenesis of the disease

•    Analysis of microbial phenomena, morphology and metabolites using some chemical and mathematical tools

•    Discovery of new bacterial  genera and species

•    Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Microbiology

•    Finding next generation Metabiotics, Postbiotics and Probiotics

•    Compliance indices with environmental sustainability for research projects
•    Optimization of Disinfectants/Antiseptics activities


Address: Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Laboratory, School of Biology, College of Science, University of Tehran
Ground Floor, No. 17, Shafiee Alley, Qods Street, Enghelab Avenue, 1417864411 Tehran Iran Ground Floor, No. 17, Shafiee Alley, Qods Street, Enghelab Avenue, 1417864411 Tehran Iran

Tel: +98-021-61113560
Email: fmohammadipanah@ut.ac.ir
ORCID: 0000-0003-0286-5342

Link to Google Scholar (https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=GfSJnnMAAAAJ&hl=en)
Link to Academia (https://tehran.academia.edu/FatemehMohammadipanah)
Link to ResearchGate (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Fatemeh_Mohammadipanah)